Cost Classification & Cost Behavior
Cost Classification is the grouping of cost into various types depending upon activities . In this topic , we'll cover 2 main chapters of MA1 .
Lecture 1 Cost Classification53:21
Lecture 2 Cost Classification49:20
Lecture 3 Cost Classification43:15
Lecture 4 Cost Classification55:24
Lecture 5 High low method with stepped fix cost18:09
Lecture 6 High low method with Variable cost change9:34
Practice 1 Cost classification41:44
Practice 2 Cost classification59:09
Accounting For Material
Material is one of the main part for manufacturing companies which convert raw material into finished goods for trade . In this topic, we'll discuss all about the accounting for material and it is the main part of MA1. Don't leave any of its lecture
Lecture 1 Process of Ordering and Authorization54:54
Lecture 2 EOQ & Stock Control Levels43:16
Lecture 3 Stock Control Level and Stocktaking51:37
Lecture 4 Inventory valuation methods51:16
Practice 1 Accounting for Material26:32
Practice 2 Accounting for Material48:43
EOQ Discount and EBQ26:26
Accounting For Labour
Labour in the business is related to production department where raw materials are being converted to finished goods for trade . Labour cost is one of the major parts of business . In this topic , we'll cover the accounting for labour in various aspects . STAY FOCUSED
Lecture 1 Introduction + Overtime48:06
Lecture 2 Remuneration Methods31:47
Lecture 3 Bonus + Ratios55:34
Lecture 4 Labour Turnover Ratio32:33
Practice 1 Labour43:11
Practice 2 labour40:47
Accounting For Overheads
Overhead means Indirect costs (as discussed in cost classification) . In this topic , we'll discuss the treatment of indirect cost in business . Its tricky , but easy if your previous chapters are strong .
Lecture 1 Allocation and Apportionment38:55
Lecture 2 Reaaportionment and types54:24
Lecture 3 Two way reapportinment44:41
Lecture 4 Absorption38:32
Practice Overhead Complete1:11:51
Absorptional & Marginal Costing
The topic relates to costing techniques in which we'll discuss how and which businesses use these techniques . This chapter is somewhere based on Accounting for overheads , so do it first . STAY BLESSED.
Absorption & Marginal Costing part 134:05
Absorption & Marginal Costing part 224:35
Absorption & Marginal Costing part 326:00
Absorption & Marginal Costing part 431:17
Absorption & Marginal Costing part 56:48
Absorption & Marginal Costing practice 117:14
Absorption & Marginal Costing practice 233:31
Job, Batch and Process Costing
Lecture 1 Job and Batch Costing29:21
Lecture 2 Job and Batch Costing32:15
Lecture 3 Process Costing30:18
Lecture 4 Joint Process and Further Processing32:08
Lecture 5 Joint Process and Further Processing25:15
Lecture 6 Joint Process and Further Procesing37:21
Practice 1 Job, Batch and Process Costing54:00
Practice 2 Job, Batch and Process Costing29:04
Investment Appraisal
Investment means "input something into business for growth". Appraisal means "Evaluating positive and negative points". So, in this topic , we are gonna discuss the techniques of evaluating new investment opportunities . Full of calculation,so be focused and do practice as much you can.
Investment Appraisal part 127:35
Investment Appraisal part 223:14
Investment Appraisal part 331:53
Investment Appraisal part 419:15
Investment Appraisal part 536:06
Investment Appraisal part 636:16
Investment Appraisal part 725:49
Investment Appraisal part 827:49
Investment Appraisal part 928:40
Investment Appraisal part 108:28
Investment Appraisal part 113:27
Investment Appraisal part 1218:59
Investment Appraisal part 1335:37
Investment Appraisal practice 132:16
Investment Appraisal practice 238:38
Standard Costing
Lecture 1 Introduction + Material Variance51:39
Lecture 2 Material Variance ended9:16
Lecture 3 Labour Variance1:20:03
Lecture 4 labour variance with Idle hours51:57
Lecture 5 Variable overhead variance52:16
Lecture 6 Fix overhead variance47:43
Lecture 7 Sales Variances30:36
Lecture 8 Backward or Reverse Variance47:10
Lecture 9 Operating Statement52:01
Operating Statement Questions34:00
Standard Costing practice 136:14
Standard Costing practice 228:35
Performance Measurement
Cost reduction part 17:56
Cost reduction part 255:55
Performance Measurement part 136:55
Performance Measurement part 228:34
Performance Measurement part 318:42
Performance Measurement part 443:28
Performance Measurement part 51:03:29
Practice 1 Performance measurement51:57
Practice 2 Performance measurement26:19
Statisitical Technique
Statistical Technique part 133:09
Statistical Technique part 224:44
Statistical Technique part 335:17
Statistical Technique part 428:25
Statistical Technique part 533:59
Statistical Technique part 618:00
Statistical Technique part 724:39
Statistical Technique part 834:08
Statistical Technique part 915:47
Service Costing
Service Costing part 123:13
Alternative Costing Technique
Lecture 1 Activity Based Costing (ABC)41:51
Lecture 2 Target Costing10:37
Lecture 3 Lifecycle Costing35:40
Practice Alternative costing technique13:48
Summarizing and Analyzing Data
Data part 134:23
Data part 243:32
Data part 328:56
Data part 419:20
Data part 552:02
Budgeting Part 114:30
Budgeting Part 29:47
Budgeting Part 312:55
Budgeting Part 49:08
Budgeting Part 531:41
Budgeting Practice 126:06
Budgeting Practice 21:33:28
Management Information
Management Information part 137:57
Management Information part 230:43
Management Information part 39:57
Management Information part 447:02
Management Information part 516:20
Spreadsheet part 137:53
Spreadsheet part 237:26
Spreadsheet part 324:53
Double Entries – Material, Labour and Overheads
Material Double Entry20:33
Labour and Overheads Double entry17:35